Adys Thabina Yusuf
Adys Thabina Yusuf
(July 10, 2003)
January 11, 2004
I am female born in Jakarta at RS. Tebet thursday July 10th 2003 02.40 pm, 3.200 gram weight and 47 cm height from my mom and dad Adelaide & Mukminin Yusuf. Now I am living with them at Jl. Kalibata No. 8B Kalibata – Jakarta. I am 6 month when my father wrote this resume.
Bibin is my nickname, now I’m learning how to stand, stepping and try to know around. I always yelling when hungry, thirsty and fell not comfort. Laughing is my favorite because only laughing and some ‘alien’ vocabulary out from my mouth.
I have a plane, which can take me everywhere but it can’t fly, you want see it? here it is. What do you think ?? it’s great ha ... : )
I have piano too but smaller than the real one, my piano can play several song like twinkle-twinkle little star, row-row your boat, happy birthdays etc.
My daily activity is sleeping and eating, some time shopping with my parents to the mall. Every month my parents take me to see the doctor for medical check up and vaccinations.
June 19, 2004
Is to long ayah since you wrote my biography in January, I am growth up very fast, now my weight is 8 kg and 74 cm height you may be surprise because I can walk now !!! can drink from my own glass and eat like you eating …
I far away from you and I know ayah you miss me I can feel from here but don’t worry I have something for you.
Here I am ayah you see I growth up, I am pretty, nice and funny, people sad I similar with you my eyes, nose and of course my personality similar..similar with you .. : ) what about your bunda bibin what similar with you ?? oh .. yeah .. I almost forget.. one think from bunda I similar pretty and similar person who loved by you. Some day I want like you ……
I am cable woman..
Cable is my favorite toys, my father give me one mouse computer for my toys, I like bite that cable playing around cable.i’m still like a boy….u can see my hair…my mother cut it off, but I’m still a cute girl, u can see my’s blue…
(July 10, 2003)
January 11, 2004

Bibin is my nickname, now I’m learning how to stand, stepping and try to know around. I always yelling when hungry, thirsty and fell not comfort. Laughing is my favorite because only laughing and some ‘alien’ vocabulary out from my mouth.
I have a plane, which can take me everywhere but it can’t fly, you want see it? here it is. What do you think ?? it’s great ha ... : )
I have piano too but smaller than the real one, my piano can play several song like twinkle-twinkle little star, row-row your boat, happy birthdays etc.
My daily activity is sleeping and eating, some time shopping with my parents to the mall. Every month my parents take me to see the doctor for medical check up and vaccinations.
June 19, 2004
Is to long ayah since you wrote my biography in January, I am growth up very fast, now my weight is 8 kg and 74 cm height you may be surprise because I can walk now !!! can drink from my own glass and eat like you eating …
I far away from you and I know ayah you miss me I can feel from here but don’t worry I have something for you.
Here I am ayah you see I growth up, I am pretty, nice and funny, people sad I similar with you my eyes, nose and of course my personality similar..similar with you .. : ) what about your bunda bibin what similar with you ?? oh .. yeah .. I almost forget.. one think from bunda I similar pretty and similar person who loved by you. Some day I want like you ……
I am cable woman..
Cable is my favorite toys, my father give me one mouse computer for my toys, I like bite that cable playing around cable.i’m still like a boy….u can see my hair…my mother cut it off, but I’m still a cute girl, u can see my’s blue…
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